C++ Primer 4/e 在算式这里还有一个忠告:‘Beginning C and C++ programmers often have difficulties understanding order of evaluation and the rules of precedence and associativity. Misunderstanding how expressions and operands are evaluated is a rich source of bugs. Moreover, the resulting bugs are difficult to find because reading the program does not reveal the error unless the programmer already understands the rules.
Two rules of thumb can be helpful:
When in doubt, parenthesize expressions to force the grouping that the logic of your program requires.
If you change the value of an operand, don’t use that operand elsewhere in the same statement. If you need to use the changed value, then break the expression up into separate statements in which the operand is changed in one statement and then used in a subsequent statement.
An important exception to the second rule is that subexpressions that use the result of the subexpression that changes the operand are safe. For example, in *++iter the increment changes the value of iter, and the (changed) value of iter is then used as the operand to *. In this, and similar, expressions, order of evaluation of the operand isn’t an issue. To evaluate the larger expression, the subexpression that changes the operand must first be evaluated. Such usage poses no problems and is quite common.’
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