C++ Primer 4/e在Managing the Output Buffer这个地方有一个警告:‘Output buffers are not flushed if the program terminates abnormally. When attempting to debug a program that has crashed, we often use the last output to help isolate the region of program in which the bug might occur. If the crash is after a particular print statement, then we know that the crash happened after that point in the program.
When debugging a program, it is essential to make sure that any output you think should have been written was actually flushed. Because the system does not automatically flush the buffers when the program crashes, it is likely that there is output that the program wrote but that has not shown up on the standard output. It is still sitting in an output buffer waiting to be printed.
If you use the last output to help locate the bug, you need to be certain that all the output really did get printed. Making sure that all output operations include an explicit flush or call to endl is the best way to ensure that you are seeing all the output that the program actually processed.
Countless hours of programmer time have been wasted tracking through code that appeared not to have executed when in fact the buffer simply had not been flushed. For this reason, we tend to use endl rather than \n when writing output. Using endl means we do not have to wonder whether output is pending when a program crashes.’