今天我在看John Chow 写的Blogging for Dollars – It’s Not Just a Hobby,给我一些学习,他说Business 2.0杂志上有这篇”Blogging for Dollars”,因为是英文的,我没仔细看,但是主旨这样写:‘It’s not just a hobby – some small sites are making big money. Here’s how to turn your passion into an online empire.’,它不只是兴趣嗜好-一些小的网站正在大赚特赚,以下是如何把你的激情转变为线上帝国,里面提到很多重量级的部落客都是从很小的网站开始,因为他们疯狂的梦想,开始乘上internet赚钱的火车而驶向富有,像Michael Arrington这个部落客每月的收入就有$60,000之多,注意是美金喔,哇,那可能是我们的好几十倍喔!
另外像Boingboing在某一年就扒了一百万美金 !
另外像Paidcontent,也就是一年赚一百万美金的,而他的总部在哪里知道吗?就在他加州圣摩尼卡(Santa Monica)家中的第二间卧室里,天这么冷,在卧室裹着棉被赚钱一定很舒服吧!
‘For starters, blogs today benefit from what might be termed uneconomies of scale: They are so cheap to create and operate that a lone blogger or a small team can, with the ever-expanding reach of the Internet, amass vast audiences and generate levels of profit on a per-employee basis that traditional media companies can only fantasize about.
Still, the blogging-for-dollars phenomenon is only in its infancy, and already blog ad spending is roughly twice what it was last year. With overall Web advertising expected to grow by 50 percent to $23.6 billion in 2010, it’s certain that more and more ad dollars will land on blogs. For a growing cadre of bloggers, the opportunities to score fat profits from pumping out posts on whatever their particular passions might be are widening–and one consequence could be a radical reshaping of our notions of how to build a successful media company.’
Internet 确实改变了工作的方式,只要一个人有一个想法跟网路连接,就有可能成为一个赚个百万的企业,这样你还在等什么?2010你准备好了吗?