I see the twitter,”
hemang27shah: @josetapadas i will send you one if you can give me a Xbox Live Code
josetapadas:@hemang27shah hey! can you send me one? jose.tapadas (at) gmail.com please!
hemang27shah: @josetapadas ill tell you what…i sent you an invite to lockerz.com..sign up there and i will give u google wave..check ur email”.
I do not know the meaning. So I surf Google wave and find the message. I have a Google account. Why can’t I sign in to Google Wave?,”Even though you have a Gmail or a Google account, you must be invited to Google Wave in order to sign in. If you haven’t been invited by a friend, you won’t be able to use the service at this time.”So if I give hemang27shah a Xbox Live Code, I can play Google wave. Ha ha! This is a good deal for hemang27shah. But he can go to the BuyMMOAccounts.com’s site to buy the xbox live gold codes and be ready to use in under 30 minutes after his purchase. I think Xbox Live may be cooler than Google wave. So I prefer to have a xbox live gold and I can enjoy the game.
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